March 6, 2008

The First Hacking Site of the Month

We interrupt the previous story to get down to what I said we would be featuring this month, Hacking. When it comes to hacking, video tutorials, this site is one of the best. Irongeek's Hacking Illustrated Videos
can be found at, where else,
There's a lot of them and he has been making them himself for years. He also has a tutorial on how he makes the videos. This site isn't the prettiest sight around but it more than makes up for its looks with great content. From the Basic Nmap Usage, Sniffing VoIP Using Cain, Metasploit Flash Tutorial, Using SysInternals’ Process Monitor to Analyze Apps and Malware, Creating a Windows Live CD for System Recovery and Pen-Testing with Bart's PE Builder,
and so many more. There's bound to be something of interest to all but the most seasoned veterans.

While Irongeek maybe best known for his video tutorials, he has also written some nice netowrk security articles. His latest, State Hacking/Computer Security Laws, is very informative and was posted at the end of December of 2007, so it's current. How To Cyberstalk Potential Employers "This article is less diabolical than its title might imply. Essentially, I want to give the reader some tips for finding more information about a potential employer than the job listing may reveal." And he does. It's well written and I like his inclusion of screen shots.

If only had the video section, that would be enough alone for me to recomend it. I'm sure he laid the ground work and inspired others to make hacking video tutorials. There's also a couple scripts/apps that he wrote, some reviews, and don't forget the clips of him working out. And if my word isn't good enough, there's also half a dozen campuses that use his material. And here's a nice little link that shows you all the info that can be seen from your browser.

This one is a keeper. Definitely worthy of a bookmark and some time for further exploration. I tip my proverbial hat to Iron Geek. Well done sir.

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