July 1, 2008

State of this Blog

What's going on here? There's good news and some not so good news. The good news is, I am going to continue adding to this blog. I will also finish the previous articles that I started. Since I now have the NewEgg link at the bottom, and if want to help support this blog I encourage you to click on the "Where I buy everything" before you make any purchase from NewEgg, I am able to see what kind of traffic I am getting here. I got to admit, I was pleasantly surprised. There's more people reading this than I thought. Due to the lack of comments and with how irregular I have been posting here, I figured I was just going through the motions for myself and a few other people. However I am getting quite a few views a day and a definite spike when I do post something new. I'm not expecting to reach thousands of people a day, but there are some of you out there who are reading this and that is encouraging. I will start updating more often.

Now for the not so good news. My wife's mother has become gravely ill and bed ridden. Rather than put her in a rest home to be forgotten about, we are taking care of her at her home. This requires round the clock attention. Which leaves me little time to write the in depth articles that I wanted to. So for the time being, I will only post small bits of news and information. When I have more time, I will get back to the larger in depth articles I had started.

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